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Two dead and 14 injured following mass shooting in Rochester, New York

According to local authorities, at least two people were killed and 14 others were injured in a mass shooting at a party in Rochester, New York, overnight on Friday. Police have not yet made any arrests in connection to the shooting.




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ДеБлазио решил повторить опыт сан франика и переселить бомжей наркоманов по отелям... лучше бы к себе домой парочку забрал. но сам лжец демократ видимо живет за забором и всякую дрянь пытается повесить на других чтобы заработать себе политические очки

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Boomer social justice warrior Councilwoman Rosenthal has shown nothing but disdain for her constituents. Rather than debate in good faith the inhumanity of abandoning 730 sick and dangerous men in a half-mile residential radius with no real services or supervision, she has accused her neighbors of racism (a laughable claim—if not a projection—made all the more dishonest given the abundance of white vagrants) and NIMBYism.
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