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Posts posted by Dilbert

  1. ну правильно! такий план завжди має бути

    раніше на кожному заводі було, і збори і навчання постійне


    тим більше зараз, коли під боком агресивна свинособака


    у мене друг американець у Києві зараз дослідження робить, так його батьки теж переляк

    українці в Україні менш перелякані, ніж ті, хто за кордоном

  2. У Флориді ніхто не вимагає обов‘язковоі вакцинаціі, і примушення до вакцинаціі - порушення свободи

    Хто більш ліберальний Флорида чи Каліфорнія у такому випадку? 

    Jeremy T. Redfern, the press secretary for the Department of Health, confirmed in a statement that Dr. Pino was on administrative leave, and that the department was “conducting an inquiry to determine if any laws were broken in this case.”

    The decision to get vaccinated “is a personal medical choice that should be made free from coercion and mandates from employers,” Mr. Redfern wrote.

    Florida has enacted a law banning coronavirus vaccine mandates, including for government employees. Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has raised his national political profile by curtailing virus restrictions of all kinds in the state.

    It is unclear whether Dr. Pino was placed on leave for urging employees to get vaccinated, for compiling their vaccination status, or for both. The Department of Health did not respond to specific questions about the matter, including whether Dr. Pino’s leave is paid or unpaid. Dr. Pino did not respond to calls seeking comment.

  3. У Флориді керівника департаменту охорони здоров‘я в Орландо (де Діснейленд), відсторонили від роботи за емайла, який він послав працівникам, з пропозицією вакцинаціі, щоб покращити показники


    Ліберальні медіа, як оце НЙТ нижче у шоці, як за таке відстороняти.


    А мені ці показники нагадали надої і стахановські методи. Не дарма це сталось у Флориді, де втікачі з Куби ще мають пам‘ять тоталітарного режиму мабуть


    Florida’s top public health official in Orlando has been placed on administrative leave after sending an email to his employees noting their lackluster coronavirus vaccination rates and urging them to get the shots.

    The official — Dr. Raul Pino, the administrator for the Florida Department of Health’s office in Orange County — sent the email on Jan. 4, in the thick of a surge in cases caused by the Omicron variant.

    In the email, Dr. Pino said that he had asked a staff member to pull out the vaccination rates for the office, and that the figures were alarming: Of the office’s 568 employees, only 219 — fewer than half — had completed a full vaccination series, and just 77 of them had received a booster shot, a number he called “SUPER LOW.”

    “I am sorry, but in the absence of reasonable and real reasons, it is irresponsible not to be vaccinated,” Dr. Pino wrote in the email, which was first reported by WFTV, the local ABC News affiliate. He called the office’s vaccination rate “pathetic.”

  4. In 2014, 17-year-old James Tubbs grabbed a 10-year-old girl by the throat at a Denny’s in Palmdale, California and sexually assaulted her in a bathroom stall. Since the sexual assault in 2014, James Tubbs ‘transitioned’ to Hannah Tubbs and is now 26 years old.

    Gascón doesn’t want to send Tubbs to jail because he fears he will be victimized and assaulted over his gender identity.https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-15/sexual-assault-of-10-year-old-sparks-latest-criticism-of-l-a-district-attorneys-policies

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