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Posts posted by Dilbert

  1. Молодець Зеленський! молюсь за нього і Україну!



    ПС ось кому Нобеля миру треба давати, а не обамі авансом, за те що він чорний, яких дронами вбивав цивільне населення іраку




    І у США ЖОДНОГО президента єврея за всю історію! А у нас свій Український


    Слава Україні!

    Героям Слава!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Та я ж не проти, але як вони це робитимуть якщо у них нема бажання та мотивації?

    Я тут слухаю радіо - так американцям їх жалко..... Кажуть що нізя так знущатись над простими росіянами

    якісь у вас йобнуті америкаці в оточенні, співчуваю


    я досліджую зараз досвід західної німеччини і репатриації Ізраілю


    питаю євреів скільки поколінь пройшло, щоб вони змогли пробачити і поїхати у німеччину - одне покоління


    ну значить це у найкращому випадку 70-80 років


    але знаючі які "культурні" свинособаки думаю мабуть років 300 пройде, а то і більше



    Слава Україні [ua]

  3. Интересная статья про айтишников из беларуси



    Программисты и компании высокого уровня, с существенной подушкой безопасности, преимущественно бегут в ЕС. Компании поменьше и победнее едут в Грузию, Турцию и Узбекистан, чтобы понаблюдать оттуда, как будут развиваться события. https://charter97.org/ru/news/2022/3/1/457037/

  4. а це вже не наші проблеми


    насрали суки хай прибирають за собою


    і не жалко їх зовсім


    пацифістів нах усіх- зараз питання виживання українців


    загеноцидили українців як і євреїв, що 40 мільйонів залишилось усього

  5. Why Is the U.S. Still Importing So Much Russian Oil and Petroleum Products?


    Here’s a flashing neon sign that U.S. energy policy has gone terribly, terribly wrong. Throughout 2021, the U.S. has imported 12 million to 26 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum products per month from Russia — that same country we keep enacting new sanctions on, in an effort to deter Vladimir Putin’s territorial ambitions. The most recent month from the Energy Information Agency’s figures is November 2021, at 17.8 million barrels. Last spring, imports of Russian oil hit the highest level in a decade; in August, Russia became the second-highest exporter of oil to the United States. Think that might be a reason Putin feels so confident?

    And judging from yesterday’s White House press briefing… if the administration has any solid plans to stop importing Russian oil, they’re being awfully quiet about them.
        Q   Wouldn’t it be difficult, though, for the U.S. to continue to import Russian oil after all of the rhetoric that we’ve put forward about Russia needing to not invade Ukraine and pressuring Germany to, you know, come out strongly on Nord Stream 2 and possible punishments for Russia if they were to take this step? Wouldn’t it be tough for the U.S. to continue, in that event, to import Russian gas?
    MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Well, again, it’s a hypothetical. I’m just telling you what we have been very, very clear, the President has been clear, our national security advisor has been clear — we all have been clear, either from this podium or direct communication with Russia, whether it’s with the President or its leadership, that if they were to invade — and in coordination, in lockstep with our European Allies and partners, that’s how we’re moving forward here — that there would be there would be severe, decisive economic consequences. I cannot speak more to — more to that.
    In this context, the German hesitation to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline makes a little more sense. If the U.S. is going to keep buying and importing Russian oil as an invasion of Ukraine looms, why should Germany stop buying Russian oil and natural gas? [As disingenuous as we were in pushing Germany to stop Nord Stream 2 while gulping Russian oil ourselves Germany has made the moves to stop NS2. Now may they will turn around an ask publicly what we are doing importing Russian oil. There is no good response. Time to stop. RAM]
    Sample Letter
    Text of a letter to any Member of Congress – 
    It is past time for the United States to stop importing Russian oil.
    How cynical can we be? We appropriately call on Germany not to certify Nord Stream 2 but at the same time making Russia our number two oil importer.
    This is embarrassing – the hypocrisy is beyond belief.
    Do whatever has to be done to end this travesty.
    • Upvote 1
  6. Friedman explains "globalization" by recounting stories of his actual experiences in interfacing with many of the global movers and shakers. He proposes that "globalization is not simply a trend or fad but is, rather, an international system. It is the system that has replaced the old Cold War system, and, like that Cold War System, globalization has its own rules and logic that today directly or indirectly influence the politics, environment, geopolitics and economics of virtually every country in the world."

    The "Big Idea" in The Lexus and the Olive Tree is found on page 223 where Friedman explains that: "if you can't see the world, and you can't see the interactions that are shaping the world, you surely cannot strategize about the world." He states that "you need a strategy for how to choose prosperity for your country or company."



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