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Заручників канадійців-американців випустили через 5 років


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чувак був одружений з сестрою ув‘язненого у Гуантанамо (терориста- канадійця https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_KhadrТрюдо виплатив 10 млн  Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has defended the C$10.5m (US$8.24m) in a settlement paid to a Canadian man held at Guantánamo Bay for a decade, calling it the best choice in difficult circumstances. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/13/omar-khadr-settlement-canada-trudeau)


у 2012 поперся бекпекінг з вагітною другою дружиною в Афганістан, :fp1: там іх захопили в заручники, де протримали 5 років. Ще народились діти під час тримання у заручниках. Іх звільнили, чувак відмовився летіти до США.  no comment






Caitlan Coleman, now 32, was several months pregnant when she and her husband, Joshua Boyle, were abducted in 2012 while on a trip to Afghanistan.

That child, and two more, were born while the couple was held by the Haqqani network, an Afghan extremist group affiliated with the Taliban.

U.S. intelligence agencies were tracking the family and provided information to the Pakistanis as the hostages were moved across the border from Afghanistan to Pakistan, the Pakistan military said in a statement.

"The operation by Pakistani forces, based on actionable intelligence from U.S. authorities was successful," the Pakistan statement read. "All hostages were recovered safe and sound."

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