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Таємна зустріч Трампа і х*ла.


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Alexander J Flint з Serge Skorodinsky та ще 32.

Ну и вдогонку для нас всех - выяснилось, что любовь Трампа к Путину, так глубока, что он лично, даже без переводчика, второй раз, почти секретно, встретился с Путиным и имел с ним разговор через русского переводчика Путина.

Это чтоб мало не показалось и чтобы мы все спали "спокойно" - была вторая встреча. На первой, для лохов по миру, Трамп поучительно задавал вопросы, а Путин отвечал, после чего Трамп сказал "я прощаю всё" и дело на том закрылось. На второй встрече обсуждалось... Постойте, а мы никто не знаем, что там обсуждалось - там не было американских представителей вообще, только Трамп, Путин и его переводчик.

Думайте дальше сами.

Змінено користувачем tom_cat
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Білий дім спростував другу зустріч з Путіним, назвавши її "короткою бесідою"
Середа, 19 липня 2017, 06:33

У Білому домі заявили, що на полях G20 не було другої зустрічі між президентами США і РФ Дональдом Трампом і Володимиром Путіним, а була лише "коротка бесіда".
Про це повідомляє Reuters.
Відзначається, що після офіційної зустрічі обидва лідери відвідали вечерю, на якій також були присутні інші глави делегацій G20.
За словами чиновника Білого дому, Путін на вечері сидів поруч з дружиною Трампа Меланією.
"Між президентом Трампом і президентом Путіним не було "другої зустрічі", всього лише коротка бесіда в кінці вечері. Звинувачення Білого дому в спробі "приховати" другу зустріч помилкові, зловмисні і абсурдні", - сказав чиновник.
Американський президент також прокоментував повідомлення в ЗМІ про його другу зустріч з Путіним.

"Фейкова новина про таємну вечерю з Путіним "нудотна". Всі лідери G20 і їхні дружини були запрошені канцлером Німеччини. Преса знала!", - написав Трамп в Twitter.
 "Фейкові новини стають все більш і більш нечесними. Навіть вечеря, організована для лідерів G20 в Німеччині подається зловісно", - додав американський президент.

Лайкнув, але якась хуйня трапилася

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В мене по кліку на посилання відкривається....

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Vlad Raskin His own White House has confirmed that he and Putin had a follow-up undisclosed meeting at the summit. This is not even a "fake news" anymore... But hey, he thinks (and he is right) that he will convince his loyal supporters not to believe it. This is just downright pathetic and disgusting.
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Alexander J Flint
Alexander J Flint I don't give a fuck about his words anymore. My problem is simply with the fact that he is a Russian spy
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Подобається · Відповісти · 6 · 14 хв

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Желтая бульварная гезетенка... :gigi:


Ну як би вище Білий дім визнає другу "коротку бесіду"...

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Irene Belsky
Irene Belsky Трампа никуда не уводили; был обед для всех глав государств G-20; было много пустых мест потому что не все пришли; Трамп взял и подсел к Путлеру и они проговорили час через Путинского переводчика; можно только догадываться о чём? У всех присутствующих глав государств на этом обеде, в том числе у президента Китая, челюсть отвисла, настолько это необычное поведение; и они сообщили журналистам; так это дошло до нас! Вот такие пироги!!! Стыд и позор!

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Trump, Putin met for nearly an hour in second G20 meeting

By Eli Watkins and Jeremy Diamond, CNN

Updated 1426 GMT (2226 HKT) July 19, 2017


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, spoke for a second time on July 7 in a previously undisclosed discussion, the White House confirmed on Tuesday.

A senior White House official told CNN the discussion was "nearly an hour."
The White House, in a statement acknowledging the meeting, contended it was "brief" and said Trump spoke with Putin through Russia's translator. The US translator at the dinner -- each country was only allowed only one -- spoke Japanese, the White House said.
National Security Council spokesman Michael Anton said no other staff were present for the discussion.
The White House statement said the conversation took place in full view of other world leaders and their spouses at a dinner hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the G20 summit. Trump was seated near Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Abe's wife, while first lady Melania Trump was seated next to Putin.
The White House said Trump went over to his wife and spoke with Putin near the dinner's end.
The discussion came after their scheduled, two-hour-long bilateral meeting earlier that day.
Russian President Vladimir Putin seen top right, next to US First Lady Melania Trump at a banquet during the G20 Summit in Hamburg.
The White House, in its statement, sought to downplay the significance of the discussion.
"It is not merely perfectly normal, it is part of a president's duties, to interact with world leaders," the statement said.
The statement also disputed characterizing the discussion as a "second meeting," but instead called it a "brief conversation."
Trump responded to reports of the meeting later Tuesday evening on Twitter.
"Fake News story of secret dinner with Putin is "sick." All G 20 leaders, and spouses, were invited by the Chancellor of Germany. Press knew!" Trump tweeted, following it up with another, saying: "The Fake News is becoming more and more dishonest! Even a dinner arranged for top 20 leaders in Germany is made to look sinister!"

Reload Page to see tweet..Link..

Reload Page to see tweet..Link..

News of the discussion, however, was not that Trump had attended the dinner, but that he had an undisclosed and one-on-one discussion with Putin at it.
'Only the Russians will have a transcript'
US presidents at summits often hold private and impromptu discussions with other world leaders. However, the lack of immediate disclosure from the administration as well as Trump's own posture with regard to Russia raised significant questions following reports of the discussion having taken place.
John Kirby, a CNN diplomatic and military analyst who was a spokesman for the State Department during the Obama administration, said smaller, informal meetings were common and were often where "heavy lifting" could get done. But he also pointed out potentially problematic aspects of the meeting.


Tillerson says sanctions to remain on Russia 01:15
"While smaller pull-aside meetings are common, it is strange that a pull-aside with someone like Putin -- especially Putin -- would not include at least another national security official and a translator," Kirby said.
He pointed out that the lack of a US translator or other support meant the US would be without a scrupulous translation or a record of what was discussed.
"In this case, we have none of these things," Kirby said. "And only the Russians will have a transcript. Not good."
Democratic Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, speaking on CNN's "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer, said he had heard of the meeting from a source on Tuesday morning. Coons said his source suggested Trump got up and went over to sit down and speak with Putin "for a very long period of time."
"There was a couples-only social dinner at the G20. Toward the end, the President spoke to Putin at the dinner."
"No staff or Cabinet were at the dinner at all, for any of the countries," with the exception of translators, Anton said.
Coons said Trump didn't bring a US translator and relied on Putin's, which the senator called a "basic failure in terms of national security protocol."
Asked if there was any depth to the conversation, Coons said there was no way to know.

CNN's Jeff Zeleny contributed to this report.

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Прочуйтвуй тепло на своей черепушке,

Это мой х№й на твоей макушке.



ps: порохоботствое, закусывая шоколадками.

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