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Жертвами теракта в Ницце в День взятия Бастилии стали до 50 человек


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В Штатах один з претендентів на посаду віце президента сказав що всіх муслімів требаперевірити на детекторі брехні як вони ставляться до західних цінностей і тих що не пройдуть вислати назад
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В Штатах один з претендентів на посаду віце президента сказав що всіх муслімів требаперевірити на детекторі брехні як вони ставляться до західних цінностей і тих що не пройдуть вислати назад

Тут баржі будуть потрібні.

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Америка має досвід.Японців всіх закрили в таборах під час другої світової.Ну і в Штатах відсо ок муслімів низький наразі

У нас наче теж, але є цілі міста пакистанські. 

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Для тех кто увлекается раскрасками своих аватарок.За неполные двое суток у нас шестеро погибших и много раненых.



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мій білоруський ФБ-френд пише


Не, я не буду вешаць французкі сьцяжок на сваёй старонцы. І да амбасады Францыі з кветкамі не пайду.

Я не разумею, як так можа быць, што ў краіне дзейнічае надзвычайны стан пасьля тэрактаў на масавых мерапрыемствах, а масавае мерапрыемства праходзіць фактычна без удзелу паліцыі. Інакш паліцыя пачала б страляць адразу. Па словах сьведкі паліцыя зьявілася хваілін праз 25-30. Нават калі ў сапраўднасьці гэта было ўсяго 10 хвілін, гэта шмат для надзвычайнага становішча.

Я не разумею, чаму бельгійцы пасьля тэрактаў правялі шмат рэйдаў і чыстак па мусьлімскіх кварталах, а французы абмежаваліся масавым вывешваньнем сьцяжкоў, масавым "нас не запалохаць!" і звычайнай вадой ад палітыкаў.

Таму і спачуваньня ў мяне замала. У асноўным злосьць.

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Теракты с использованием грузовиков для массового убийства населения впервые были совершены группировкой Хамас (союзник РФ) в Бейруте, Ливан

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Все те що навкруги діється навіває думку що ми на порозі грандіозного шухера.Рекомендую підтримувати 3місячний запас їди в хаті. Змінено користувачем coolzak
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Французское МВД месяц назад выпустило приложение, которое должно незамедлительно сообщать о терактах.


Вчера в Ницце оно сработало только через три часа, после того как террорист въехал в толпу и убил 84 человека.

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Дебил, блять. А то, что терракт совершил араб, гражданин Франции, как бы и не заметили. Ударим толерастией по терроризму и панисламизму!


Об усилении французских действий в Ираке и Сирии Олланд заявил после теракта в Ницце. Усиление связано с трагедией в Ницце, которая произошла поздно вечером 14 июля. "Мы еще более усилим наши действия в Сирии, а также Ираке, и продолжим наносить удары по тем, кто атакует нас на нашей земле", — сказал президент Франции. Он также подтвердил факт ликвидации террориста, который действовал в Ницце.

Змінено користувачем Citizen UA
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Якщо підтримуєш терористів, то не дивуйся, коли терор прийде і в твоє місто.


http://112.ua/glavnye-novosti/mer-niccy-posetil-okkupirovannyy-krym-295522.html Мэр Ниццы заявил, что считает Крым российским


Мэр Ниццы ранее высказывался в поддержку аннексии Крыма Россией, а сейчас считает полуостров российским
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For French President François Hollande, the enemy is an abstraction: "terrorism" or "fanatics".

Instead, the French president reaffirms his determination to military actions abroad: "We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq," the president said after the Nice attack.

So confronted with this failure of our elite who were elected to guide the country across nationals and internationals dangers, how astonishing is it if paramilitary groups are organizing themselves to retaliate?

In France, the global elites made a choice. They decided that the "bad" voters in France were unreasonable people too stupid to see the beauties of a society open to people who often who do not want to assimilate, who want you to assimilate to them, and who threaten to kill you if you do not. The elite took the side against their own old and poor because those people did not want to vote for them any longer. They also made a choice not to fight Islamism because Muslims vote collectively for this global elite.

"We are on the verge of a civil war." That quote did not come from a fanatic or a lunatic. No, it came from head of France's homeland security, the DGSI (Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure), Patrick Calvar. He has, in fact, spoken of the risk of a civil war many times. On July 12th, he warned a commission of members of parliament, in charge of a survey about the terrorist attacks of 2015, about it.

French police shoot dead a Tunisian-born Islamist terrorist who murdered 84 people in Nice, France, July 14, 2016. (Image source: Sky News video screenshot)

In May 2016, he delivered almost the same message to another commission of members of parliament, this tme in charge of national defense. "Europe," he said, "is in danger. Extremism is on the rise everywhere, and we are now turning our attention to some far-right movements who are preparing a confrontation".

What kind of confrontation? "Intercommunity confrontations," he said -- polite for "a war against Muslims." "One or two more terrorist attacks," he added, "and we may well see a civil war."

In February 2016, in front of a senate commission in charge of intelligence information, he said again: " We are looking now at far-right extremists who are just waiting for more terrorist attacks to engage in violent confrontation".

No one knows if the truck terrorist, who plowed into the July 14th Bastille Day crowd in Nice and killed more than 80 people, will be the trigger for a French civil war, but it might help to look at what creates the risk of one in France and other countries, such as Germany or Sweden.

The main reason is the failure of the state.

1. France is at War but the Enemy is Never Named.

France is the main target of repeated Islamist attacks; the more important Islamist terrorist bloodbaths took place at the magazine Charlie Hebdo and the Hypercacher supermarket of Vincennes (2015); the Bataclan, its nearby restaurants and the Stade de France stadium, (2015); the failed attack on theThalys train; the beheading of Hervé Cornara (2015); the assassination of two policemen in Magnanville in June (2016), and now the truck-ramming in Nice, on the day commemorating the French Revolution of 1789.

Most of those attacks were committed by French Muslims: citizens on their way back from Syria (the Kouachi brothers at Charlie Hebdo), or by French Islamists (Larossi Abballa who killed a police family in Magnanville last June) who later claimed their allegiance to Islamic State (ISIS). The truck killer in Nice was Tunisian but married with a French woman,three children together, and living quietly in Nice until he decided to murder more than 80 people and wound dozens more.

At each of these tragic episodes, the head of state, President François Hollande, refused to name the enemy, refused to name Islamism -- and especially refused to name French Islamists -- as the enemy of French citizens.

For Hollande, the enemy is an abstraction: "terrorism" or "fanatics". Even when the president does dare to name "Islamism" the enemy, he refuses to say he will close all Salafist mosques, prohibit the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist organizations in France, or ban veils for women in the street and at university. No, instead, the French president reaffirms his determination for military actions ... abroad: "We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq," the president said after the Nice attack.

For France's head of state, the deployment of soldiers on the national ground is for defensive actions only: a dissuasive policy, not an offensive rearmament of the Republic against an internal enemy.

So confronted with this failure by our elite -- who were elected to guide the country across national and international dangers -- how astonishing is it if paramilitary groups are organizing themselves to retaliate?

As Mathieu Bock-Côté, a sociologist in France and Canada says in Le Figaro:

"Western elites, with a suicidal obstinacy, oppose naming the enemy. Confronted by attacks in Brussels or Paris, they prefer to imagine a philosophical fight between democracy and terrorism, between an open society and fanaticism, between civilization and barbarism".

2. The Civil War Has Already Begun and Nobody Wants to Name It.

The civil war began sixteen years ago, with the second Intifada. When Palestinians invented suicide attacks in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, French Muslims began to terrorize Jews living peacefully in France. For sixteen years, Jews -- in France --were slaughtered, attacked, tortured and stabbed by French Muslim citizens supposedly to avenge Palestinian people in the West Bank.

When a group of French citizens who are Muslims declares war on another group of French citizens who are Jews, what do you call it?

For the French establishment, it is not a civil war, just a regrettable misunderstanding between two "ethnic" communities.

Until now, no one has wanted to establish a connection between these attacks and the murderous attack in Nice against people who were not necessarily Jews -- and name it as it should be named: a civil war.

For the very politically correct French establishment, the danger of a civil war will begin only if anyone retaliates against French Muslims; if everyone just submits to their demands, everything is all right. Until now, no one thinks that the terrorist attacks against Jews by French Muslims; against Charlie Hebdo's journalists by French Muslims; against an entrepreneur who was beheaded a year ago by a French Muslim; against young Ilan Halimi by a group of Muslims; against schoolchildren in Toulouse by a French Muslim; against the passengers on the Thalys train by a French Muslim, against the innocent people in Nice by an almost French Muslim were the symptoms of a civil war. These bloodbaths remain, still today something like a climatic catastrophe, a kind of tragic misunderstanding.

3. The French Establishment Considers the Enemy the Poor the Old and the Disappointed

In France, who most complains about Muslim immigration? Who most suffers from local Islamism? Who most likes to drink a glass of wine or eat a ham-and-butter sandwich? The poor and the old who live close to Muslim communities, because they do not have the money to move someplace else.

Today, as a result, millions of the poor and the old in France are ready to elect Marine Le Pen, president of the rightist Front National, as the next president of the Republic for the simple reason that the only party that wants to fight illegal immigration is the Front National.

Because, however, these French old and poor want to vote for the Front National, they have become the enemy of the French establishment, right and left. What is the Front National saying to these people? "We are going to restore France as a nation of French people". And the poor and the old believe it – because they have no choice.

Similarly, the poor and the old in Britain had no choice but to vote for Brexit. They took the first tool given them to express their disappointment at living in a society they did not like anymore. They did not vote to say, "Kill these Muslims who are transforming my country, stealing my job and soaking up my taxes". They were just protesting a society that a global elite had begun to transform without their consent.

In France, the global elites made a choice. They decided that the "bad" voters in France were unreasonable people too stupid, too racists to see the beauties of a society open to people who often who do not want to assimilate, who want you to assimilate to them, and who threaten to kill you if you do not.

The global elites made another choice: they took the side against their own old and poor because those people did not want to vote for them any longer. The global elites also chose not to fight Islamism, because Muslims vote globally for the global elite. Muslims in Europe also offer a big "carrot" to the global elite: they vote collectively.

In France, 93% of Muslims voted for the current president, François Hollande, in 2012. In Sweden, the Social Democrats reported that 75% of Swedish Muslims voted for them in the general election of 2006; and studies show that the "red-green" bloc gets 80-90% of the Muslim vote.

4. Is the Civil War Inevitable? Yes!

If the establishment does not want to see that civil war was already declared by extremist Muslims first -- if they do not want to see that the enemy is not the Front National in France, the AfD in Germany, or the Sweden Democrats -- but Islamism in France, in Belgium, in Great Britain, in Sweden -- then a civil war will happen.

France, like Germany and Sweden, has a military and police strong enough to fight against an internal Islamist enemy. But first, they have to name it and take measures against it. If they do not -- if they leave their native citizens in despair, with no other means than to arm themselves and retaliate – yes, civil war is inevitable.

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Так вийшло, що і в теракті у Стамбульському аеропорту, і під час теракту з водієм-вбивцею у Ніцці загинули одесити. У Стамбулі трагічно загинула Лариса Цибакова, а зараз серце розірвала новина про те, що серед загиблих у Ніцці був молодий, подаючий великі надії 22-річний студент з Одеси Михайло Базелевський. Так, одесити дуже допитливі, вони комунікабельні і багато подорожують. Ще вони дуже люблять життя і саме їх життя забрали глашатаї смерті. Жахливо безглуздо і дуже сумно все це.





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Чоловік з ножем напав на жінку і їі трьох доньок у Франції


Man knifes mother and three daughters at French holiday park

man at a holiday camp in the south of France, French media report.

All four were wounded, and the youngest of the victims was given emergency surgery because of her wounds.

A man, 37, was arrested trying to leave the scene in a vehicle after the attack, which happened around 09:30 local time (07:30 GMT) near Sisteron.

Local prosecutor Raphael Balland said the motive was still "very vague".

The mother, 46, and her daughters aged eight, 12 and 14 were regular visitors to the holiday camp at Garde-Colombe and had been having breakfast when they came under attack. All four were taken to hospital and the youngest suffered a punctured lung, reports said.

According to authorities, the suspect in custody was of Moroccan origin and had been staying on the site with his own family next door to the victims.

Although he had been in trouble with police many years ago, reports said there was no indication of a religious link to the case.

Unconfirmed reports suggested he had objected to the light clothing worn by his victims but Mr Balland said "it's all rumour, the man's not said anything".

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Президент Франции обвинил Израиль в колониальной политике

22 июля 2016, 11:21



Франсуа Олланд и Абу-Мазен в Париже

Фото: пресс-служба президента Франции

21 июля президент Французской республики Франсуа Олланд встретился в Париже с председателем Палестинской национальной администрации Махмудом Аббасом (Абу-Мазеном).

Как говорится президентском пресс-релизе, лидер ПА выразил соболезнования родственникам погибших в связи с терактом в Ницце и выразил поддержку Франции в борьбе с террором.

В свою очередь, глава французского государства выразил озабоченность по поводу «хрупкости ситуации на Ближнем Востоке и росте насилия».

Олланд сказал, что последний доклад «международного квартета» показывает: идея создания двух государств находится под угрозой из-за «продолжающейся колонизации», что подчеркивает актуальность «возобладания политической точки зрения» при решении спорных проблем.

Президент подтвердил приверженность Франции продолжать наращивать «позитивный импульс», созданный на встрече министров в Париже 3 июня, и проинформировал гостя из Рамаллы о «последующих шагах», необходимых для проведения международной конференции по Ближнему Востоку.


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