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Наступний президент США-2020, хто він?

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В Штатах нема безсторонньої преси і ТВ.Все строго по партійним лініям.Є трохи онлайн коментаторів незалежних відносно але ютуб потроху зачищає тих що не вписуються в лінію партії.

До речі здається в Міннесоті чи Мічігані в одній каунті експерти провірили Домініон машини і висновок такий що там програмно забито перекидати голоси Байдену.Суддя тільки сьогодні дав дозвіл опублікувати результати.

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A forensic audit of the presidential vote tally by Dominion Voting Systems software used in Antrim County, Michigan, showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine can "adjudicate" them and change the results.


"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," the audit report prepared by Allied Security Operations Group read.


"The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail."

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А тем временем ЛАрри Эллисон и ОРакл окончательно свалили из гадюшника. 


Ларри переехал на Гаваи. Оракл переехал в Остин, Техас.

Сан Франциско поздравляем с победой социализма в одном отдельно взятом штате. (с)злобный интернет

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А чому тут не святкують? БАЙДЕН- ПРЕЗИДЕНТ!

як казали про декабристів,как далеки они били от народа

Все тільки починається.День виборів був тільки одним з етапів здеця свідками а може і учасниками якого ми будемо.Хз який буде кінцевий результат але це вже не про то хто буде президентом.Чи встоїть Республіка і Конституція?

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я так понимаю все что происходит это игра на опережение. левые тщательно подготовились. придержали новости про вакцину. придержали новости про хантера. доминион результаты не выпускали до сегодня - выборов электоров чтобы не смутить мозги.


что еще они придерживают и потом вскроется?? какое мощное наипалово...

и все это притрушено террором и запугиванием. 

Змінено користувачем Ali(UA)
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Еще одна игра на опережение.




The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Monday that residents, not county clerks, are responsible for determining whether their voter status warrants an absentee ballot submission without providing voter ID.

According to Wisconsin state law, voters may circumvent the state’s ID requirement if they claim to be confined based on age, disability, or infirmary. Local election officials in Dane and Milwaukee Counties this spring however, aimed to expand exemptions to the voter ID law to any voter claiming confinement from the coronavirus pandemic caused prohibitive challenges to submitting their ballots with proper ID.

In a unanimous ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overruled election officials who implemented their own amendments to state law, arguing that the state Democratic governor’s stay-home order used at least in part to justify the changes — which was also shut down by the high bench this spring — did not render residents indefinitely confined and therefore did not warrant an exemption from providing ID.

“County clerks are not to interpret Wisconsin’s election laws and make declarations based on those interpretations,” Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote. “The plain language of the statute requires that each elector make an individual assessment to determine whether he or she qualifies as indefinitely confined or disabled for an indefinite period. A county clerk may not ‘declare’ that any elector is indefinitely confined due to the pandemic.”

In the spring, the court ordered the local clerks to halt issuing guidance allowing voters to exempt themselves from the voter ID law citing coronavirus. The edict remained in place through the general election.

The ruling clarifying the terms under which voters may declare themselves unable to submit photo ID with their absentee ballots comes the same day the high bench upheld the results of the November contest granting the state’s 10 electoral votes for former Vice President Joe Biden following a razor-thin 20,000 vote victory. The court argued in a 4-3 decision that the president brought his case to the court far too late for no reason other than to manipulate the outcome in favor of the Republican incumbent.

“The issues raised in this case, had they been pressed earlier, could have been resolved before the election,” Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote. “The challenges by the Campaign in this case … come long after the last play or even the last game; the Campaign is challenging the rulebook adopted before the season began.”

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От як я теж так приблизно думаю

Let’s keep things simple, shall we.


We are facing the end of the Republic. It is easily argued that it already expired, the point being that now we face a deep state coup, massive election fraud, huge corruption, an attempted Marxist takeover, and foreign control from China.


Democrats are traitors to the Republic. Republicans are not much better. The rule of law is dead: nothing that Trump has attempted to do has been done. He is surrounded by the deep state. The three letter agencies (of which so many of you are so afraid) have sold out to the dark side. They are part of the deep state.


Many of you are sold on the PSYOP that there is a plan in place. You may follow QAnon. “Trust the plan.” There is no plan. The attorneys who have attempted to fight the election fraud in court are fools. Why? Because they are working in an old system, where they had success with big lawsuits in court, and cannot get their heads around the massive corruption of the rule of law and the court system. They are working in an old system that no longer has merit. The supreme court is not doing its job. The Lawyers will not save you; you have to save yourself.


I would like to be wrong, and I would be happy to be so. But I don’t think so. Unless Trump pulls a plan out of his ass, Biden is getting sworn in on the 20th of January. The reprieve we had during the four years of the Trump Presidency will be over.

Решта тут


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:fp1: йо-майо!

Останній бастіон надії - хуйло володимирович - рухнув! :weep: 

15.12.20 10:39 "Готов к взаимодействию и контактам", - Путин поздравил Байдена с победой на выборах президента США
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От як я теж так приблизно думаю

Let’s keep things simple, shall we.


We are facing the end of the Republic. It is easily argued that it already expired, the point being that now we face a deep state coup, massive election fraud, huge corruption, an attempted Marxist takeover, and foreign control from China.


Democrats are traitors to the Republic. Republicans are not much better. The rule of law is dead: nothing that Trump has attempted to do has been done. He is surrounded by the deep state. The three letter agencies (of which so many of you are so afraid) have sold out to the dark side. They are part of the deep state.


Many of you are sold on the PSYOP that there is a plan in place. You may follow QAnon. “Trust the plan.” There is no plan. The attorneys who have attempted to fight the election fraud in court are fools. Why? Because they are working in an old system, where they had success with big lawsuits in court, and cannot get their heads around the massive corruption of the rule of law and the court system. They are working in an old system that no longer has merit. The supreme court is not doing its job. The Lawyers will not save you; you have to save yourself.


I would like to be wrong, and I would be happy to be so. But I don’t think so. Unless Trump pulls a plan out of his ass, Biden is getting sworn in on the 20th of January. The reprieve we had during the four years of the Trump Presidency will be over.

Решта тут



Коротше всі підараси і зрадники, а я дартаньян  :lol2:  :tu:

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Ну шо, вже і Mitch McConnel привітав Байдена...... А Трамп тепер чемпіон серер Sore Losers :D

Угу, и вангую джорджия отойдет теперь демам )) выстрелил себе в хер. ну или транш уже получил.
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