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Байден просрав Афганістан......


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Мститетельные амеры зажмут финансирование талибов и санцкционируют их доноров. Где талибы будут брать бабло? верно. С герыча. Который хлынет куда? На Север. Вот рашка поликовала, а теперь очкует.

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Солдат, ослуживший в Афгане две ходки комментирует

The soldiers related VERY WELL what we had to deal with on a regular basis. The afghans soldiers smoked weed, hashish and consumed that opium paste/dip without any regards for upcoming operations. The used drugs before, during and after their "working days".

We had to go grab them by the hands if we wanted them ready for a specific timing at which time they had already spilled the bean to their insurgents brothers. We had to confiscate ALL their cellphones in order to keep leakages for bigger scale operations to "success" and they’d just jump the fence and run to inform.

I had weapons from the ANA pointed at me and my section on several occasions emanating from tension between their dodgyness and the lack of confidence I had in most of them after several "locate your ANA battle buddy" games played under excruciating heat in an hostile environnement.

They stole from us rountinely. I had an ACOG stolen from me, on my weapon and I was the bad guy when my optic turned out on some idiot sergeant from the ANA. Even with proofs (serial number and DT741 engraved under the mount), I was told that I overreacted and calling him a thief apparently had deeply hurt his "warrior pride" and he was angry at me for bringing shame to his unit and his family. That rat died on a IED strike, after he kicked the ordnance that we had found after 15 of his men openly ignored it. Inch Allah as they say…

When they manage to appear around the agreed timing, they’d have empty gas tanks and were asking for us to fill them up in order to not use THEIR fuel that WE paid for. They either had 1 magazine or 42, never brought water and always begged for our water once on patrol. Wanna know how much water I carried ? 1 3 liter camelback in my backpack and up to 10-12 water bottles. No members of my section ever went in for dehydration or ever ran out of water.

They didn’t wear PPE, they went of course to go buy stuff, loot and snitch on us on patrol. We had to repeat countless of time for something to seem like it could be happening if we kept repeating ourselves. They sometime just didn’t show up at all if their precious "honor" was flustered by one of us telling them to sort themselves out the army way of saying it… they had the habit to turn their weapons into "jingle weapons" and stuff flowers in the barrel, place ribbons (shiny stuff type JINGLE TRUCK and picture this on an AK/M16). They casually walked around and jokes while holding hands (no judgements here but not on a combat patrol!)

But they were quick to gather around our resuply trucks, stealing goods and personnal belonging up to personal mail which we often waited for up to 6 weeks in some parts of this country.

The few good ones I encountered were usually the same age as I was at that time. They often disapeared… we were told they got transfered in another unit or simply had quit. Turns out that the real soldiers were often kidnapped in the night to never be seen again. This part was told to me by an interpreter who had no need to prove me his honesty… 2 weeks after he told me that, one of our AWOL ANA was found dead in a nearby neighborhood where he had been killed by canadians while planting an IED for them the next morning.

Oh and they were ####ing lazy !!! They wouldn’t last for more than a kilometer or two running around with barely 20 pounds worth of kit while most of us walked around with an easy 100-120 pounds worth of gear. You’ve see the lay outs, its wasn’t for show, we wore that on EVERY PATROL and it wasn’t optional… while we were fighting a war in the tribal regions of Kandahar, the Dress Policy War was waging in KAF and although it took 6 weeks to get a ####ing letter from your family, it tool less than 2-3 days for a flagged LAV or an helicopter to show up for a charge parade or a speech about the importance of cooperation with the ANA.


The truth is… we were forced to play the "afghan face on an afghan problem" and despite all of this that kept happening, we kept on truckin’! We just ignored them and left without them. We didn’t bother asking them for support. I personally felt safer walking out the gate with my 10 brothers sections that dragging 20 ANA along to look big. They slept while guarding the camp and we frequently caught them. They also used drugs on guard shifts.

Again… this is MY experience, MY stories and MY right to share what has caused me to be how I am in the last couple of weeks. People playing dumb, trying to find excuses and pretending they never heard of this. It was so common that it was laughed about on every meetings. "You’ll have the support of X Kandak with 120 guys" morning of the Operation, you’d be "lucky" if half came and half of this half was actually somewhat ready to launch… We called it "Afghan Maths". Divide by 2 and substract 40% to 60% for the real numbers when they gave one to you.

Thank you for those who read my recent post, thank you for those of you who reached out directly or to a known soldier in their entourage and thank you for the interest about the whole story.

Lastly, and I don’t know how to write this better but… don’t thank me for my service, I only did what I had signed for and for the last 18 years it’s been a blast to serve Canadians. I never saw my work as a job, always saw it as a vocation and never did one thing for recognition. Only did all that stuff because at the age of 17, I signed that dotted line and swore to do my best. So thank YOU guys for supporting us and paying your taxes, you guys allowed me to put food on my table and a roof on my family’s head.

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Мои да. Из-за такие зашквары включая день рождения Обамы все бы н**** уже были уволены. Так что Канада в этом плане ещё не в таком г**** как ваша Америка
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Обезбашенна журналістка Кларисса Ворд......... Цей репортаж стане історичним, я думаю........ після нього її витягнули звідти.........



ты бачив як її наїбальник заставили натянуть? тепер буду усіх агресивних масочників називати талібами.

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ibigdan 23 августа, 11:22
Вот куда нужно отправлять любителей "стабильности"

Афганистан после англичан:


Афганистан после СССР:


Афганистан после США:




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Офигеть! :fp1:


Заступник міністра закордонних справ Євген Єнін розповів про евакуацію українців з аеропорту Кабула, а також про те, що український літак "захопили інші люди".
"Минулої неділі наш літак захопили інші люди. Вони були озброєні, у тому числі вогнепальною зброєю.
У вівторок у нас фактично вкрали літак – він вилетів в Іран з невідомою групою пасажирів на борту замість того, щоб вивезти українців. Prapor2.gif
Наші наступні три спроби з евакуації громадян теж не були успішними, оскільки нашим пасажирам не вдавалося потрапити на територію аеропорту".
Єнін зазначив, що останній тиждень уся дипломатична служба на чолі з міністром закордонних справ Дмитром Кулебою працювала у режимі "краш-тесту".

Змінено користувачем Zzzz...
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Пишуть, шо Бідон уперся рогом і не став переносити дедлайн виводу військ 31 з серпня на пізніше. Його за це з гівном з'їдять


Про це заявив президент США Джо Байден під час свого 


За словами Байдена, терористи організації ІГІЛ-К становлять загрозу для США в Афганістані. Тому залишити Афганістан потрібно не пізніше наміченого терміну - 31 серпня.

«Зростає ризик нападу терористичного угруповання, відомого як Д-К, філії ІДІЛ в Афганістані, яка також є заклятим ворогом Талібану. Кожен день, коли ми перебуваємо на землі, - це ще один день, коли ми знаємо, що ІДІЛ-К прагне нанести удар по аеропорту і атакувати як сили США і їхніх союзників, так і ні в чому не винних мирних жителів», - сказав Байден.

Він зазначив, що нині таліби робили кроки для співпраці з США щодо евакуації людей, проте це може змінитися.

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Nigel Farage: 'No way' British parliament would vote for military cooperation with America under Biden admin


от это стальной лидер обосрался так обосрался

А поясніть.... Брити відмовилися від співпраці з Байденом? Бо я не зовсім зрозуміла.

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В рамках НАТО. Акции инициированные американцами будут проходить без участия британского контингента. Посколько парламент на это разрешение пообещал нe давать. Я это так понимаю. И это покуда в Америке байден за главнокомандующего

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